Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Leaked Penn State Emails

There's been a lot of news about the Penn State emails and whether or not they prove that JoePa and the administration willfully ignored the Sandusky child abuse scandal.  Well I was able to get a hold of some of the emails.

Unfortunately they don't have anything directly to do with the sex abuse scandal, but I think they're pretty telling.


From: “Mike McQueary” , < M.McQueary@psu.edu >
To: “Coach Paterno”, < JoePa@psu.edu >
Subject: Practice Field Issues
Date: Monday, August 8, 2000 6:19pm

Hey Coach,

I just wanted to let you know that I noticed a problem with the astroturf on the practice field.  It seems to be developing a small tear around the 40 yard line marker on the side closest to the benches.  I’m just worried about one of the guys getting his foot caught and really injuring himself badly.  I think it’s a pretty easy fix, should I contact the maintenance department?

See you tomorrow.


Mike McQueary
Graduate Assistant
Penn State Football

From: “Coach Paterno” < JoePa@psu.edu >
To: “Mike McQueary” < MMcQueary@psu.edu >
Subject: RE: Practice Field Issues
Date: Monday, August 8, 2000 8:40PM


Thanks.  No need to call maintenance. I’ll deal with it from here.


Joe Paterno
Head Coach
Penn State Football

From: “Coach Paterno” < JoePa@psu.edu >
To: “Tim Curley” < TCurley@psu.edu >
Subject: FW: RE: Practice Field Issues
Date: Monday, August 8, 2000 9:12PM


So that graduate assistant you sent me said there was a rumor that there may or may not be some kind of tear in the practice field.  I don’t know.  Doesn’t sound like a big deal to me. 

Just a scared grad assistant making a big deal out of nothing.

Oh well, I’m off to bed.


Joe Paterno
Head Coach
Penn State Football

From: “Tim Curley” < TCurley@psu.edu >
To: “Joe Paterno” < JoePa@psu.edu >, “Graham Spanier” <  President@psu.edu >
Subject: RE: FW: RE: Practice Field Issues
Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2000, 8:11 AM


No need to get maintenance involved.  It sounds like it will probably just go away if we ignore it.  Maybe even just have the guys run a few drills right over it and see if it will just kind of mend itself. 

I’m looping Graham in to get his thoughts.


Tim Curley
Athletic Director
Penn State University

From: “Graham Spanier” < President@psu.edu >
To: “Joe Paterno” < JoePa@psu.edu >, “Tim Curley” < TCurley@psu.edu >
Subject: RE: FW: RE: Practice Field Issues
Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2000, 10:52 AM

I don’t know.  We might want to get someone involved to look at it.  I’m a little worried about lawsuit if one of the players gets hurt.

How bad is the tear in the field?


Graham Spanier
Penn State University

From: “Joe Paterno” < JoePa@psu.edu >,  
To: “Tim Curley” < TCurley@psu.edu >, “Graham Spanier” <  President@psu.edu >
Subject: RE: FW: RE: Practice Field Issues
Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2000, 1:08 PM


I don’t even know if there is a tear in the field, I haven’t really checked it out or asked anyone else.  I’m sure it’s not a big deal though.

Sure it would be bad if there really is a tear and someone gets hurt, but wouldn’t it be even worse to have maintenance running around here and then some rumor gets spread that we have a substandard practice facility.  It would make recruiting impossible for me.

Just remember that there are literally hundreds of thousands of fans who would strangle you with their bare hands if I asked them to.  No one knows who you are.  I’m Joe Fucking Paterno.

But in the end it’s your call.  I was just reporting this possible non-issue to you as is my job.


PS—Go pick up my dry cleaning and leave it on my porch. 

Joe Paterno
Head Coach
Penn State Football

From: “Graham Spanier” < President.@psu.edu >
To: “Joe Paterno” < JoePa@psu.edu >, “Tim Curley” < TCurley@psu.edu >
Subject: RE: FW: RE: Practice Field Issues
Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2000, 5:35 PM

Coach Paterno

After a very careful review of the situation, I have concluded that there is no need to pursue this issue any further.

Your dry cleaning is hanging on the lounge chair on your porch.


Graham Spanier
Penn State University

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